
Contact Info



This resume was made with the R package pagedown.

Last updated on 2022-11-01.


Mengran Li


University of Glasgow

Phd in Statistics

Glasgow, UK

2022 - 2026

University of Glasgow

MSc in Statistics

Glasgow, UK

2021 - 2022

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

BSc in Statistics (Science) & BSc in Finance (Double degree)

Chengdu, China

2015 - 2019

Project Experience

Research on Extreme Events Attribution


Glasgow, UK

2022 - 2026

  • Climate extreme event attribution using sub-asymptotic models and counterfactual theory
  • Develop corresponding R package

Research on Extreme Values of Streamflow in the U.S.A


Glasgow, UK

2021 - 2022

  • The marginal models were fitted to identify the trends via stationary and non-stationary techniques.
  • Return levels were calculated and plotted and bootstrapping evaluated the uncertainty.
  • Estimations of the extremal coefficients based on Euclidean and hydrological distances were applied to investigate the asymptotic dependence structure.

National Social Science Fund Project


Chengdu, China

2017 - 2018

  • Participating in the national social science foundation project research on tort relief of malicious claims.
  • Being responsible for building model and data analysis.

Real Function Theory Textbook Revision


Chengdu, China

2016 - 2017

  • Assisting the professor in revising the real function theory textbook.
  • This work built my sound theoretical foundation in real functions.